The Swedish star photographer Camilla Åkrans is one of the biggest names when fashion houses are picking a photographer to shoot their ad campaigns. 33 year old Camilla Akrans has done several big ad campaigns and she has also won the prestigious Best Photographer Award at the ELLE awards, 2006.This is about as much as I got. I did, however, find an interview with Åkrans during which she had some interesting things to say about her beautiful, beautiful work.
Vogue China
Vogue Germany
"It's about trying to tell a story and to tell the model what kind of character she is while she is doing it, why she does it, instead of just telling her to do it. That's why I like to work with models that are interested in a kind of acting...
...if you don't get the connection with the model, then it's less successful."
...if you don't get the connection with the model, then it's less successful."
"[Photography is] like any artist: either you like to do it and you should do what you like to do and if no one else likes it, screw them, and if they do it's fantastic. I don't think you should change or try to do different stuff just to please the market, because in the end then maybe you don't like what you do and there's not point in doing it."
Pure inspiration...
I received this award from the gorgeous I'm Heraid over at Poorly Fashioned.
The rules...
1. Pass the award to 12 others.
2. Link the chosen ones within your post, and inform them in a comment.
3. Share the love and the link to the person who gave it to you.
I'm incredibly short on time, so instead of 12 I'm going to link only 4 (forgive me).
I pass the torch on to...
Style On Track
Cafe Fashionista
Chai, Cinnamon and Couture
Welcome to Fashion Court...The Verdict Is In
1. Pass the award to 12 others.
2. Link the chosen ones within your post, and inform them in a comment.
3. Share the love and the link to the person who gave it to you.
I'm incredibly short on time, so instead of 12 I'm going to link only 4 (forgive me).
I pass the torch on to...
Style On Track
Cafe Fashionista
Chai, Cinnamon and Couture
Welcome to Fashion Court...The Verdict Is In